The Divided
The Divided like to describe their work as beautiful songs about ugly things.
If that's the case, then the band has taken some seriously ugly subjects and made
them swim with the swans. The Portland-based quartet was formed in 2001 and
continues to play razor-sharp, often dreamy, sometimes gritty, but always melodic
rock and pop.
The band gets its name from the differences between the members' musical styles,
tastes and personalities. Taking a nod from everything from Jeff Buckley to
PJ Harvey to King Crimson, the band carefully crafts tight, edgy, textured rock
and pop using a mixture of Singer-Songwriter Folk, Punk, Blues, Alt-Country and
Glam Rock. If you took Jeff Buckley and had Kristin Hersh write him some songs
and then got XTC as a backing band you'd have an idea of the unique sound that
The Divided creates.
In 2003 The Divided released their first full-length CD, "Blueprint for Happine
ss." They have also had the good fortune of playing with many bands they like in
both Portland and Seattle including: Melissa Auf der Maur, The Hidden Cameras,
Imperial Teen (at Bentfest Seattle, 2003), Pansy Division, and Tea for Julie.
Band website: